My writing is predominantly related to my journalistic career, which also taps into my academic nature, often involving a lot of research. This includes trend forecasting, reflecting on culture, systems, and at times presenting and speaking.
a selection
Take Me Somewhere Nice — Accountability and Sustainability in the Spirits Industry (Pellicle Magazine)
On The Whisky Road in Japan (Foodism)
How Pepper Changed the World (Guardian)
People, Place and Produce (Good Beer Hunting)
Why has British food shocked the US (BBC)
Restaurants as Start Signs (Eater London)
Petrol is not a Personality (Sir Kensington Integrity Report)
A Candid Conversation about Patriarchy in the Restaurant industry (RESY)
A Land of Rice & History: to role of tuak in Sarawak, Malaysia (Good Beer Hunting)
Jamie Oliver is veering into cultural appropriation. Because he’s Jamie Oliver (CNN)
The Union Between Restaurants & Charities (RESY)
Celebrating The Labour of ESEA Women (RESY)
Why Can't British TV Represent East + SE Asian Food? (GAL-DEM)
The Future is Lettuce (SANDWICH MAGAZINE)
What Gordon Ramsey's New Restaurant Says Cultural Appropriation in 2019 (GAL-DEM)
Sources of Support: women-led food networks (VITTLES)
A Californian Farmer (SANDWICH MAG)
The Evolution of Whisky (MR PORTER)
A Match Made in Hemp (CAFFEINE MAGAZINE)
Why Prosecco is Rivalling Champagne This Winter (MR PORTER)
The Designer Making High Art Out of Food Waste (MR PORTER)
Food On The Edge: a community (CODE QUARTERLY)
Cooking Home and Complicating Nostalgia (CRUST MAGAZINE)
Sarawak Pepper: Coming Home (YES & NO)
Profile & features for London Resy (RESY)
Britain's First Chef's Table Star: Asma Khan (EATER LONDON)
A series by Campari Academy that looks at many aspects of the global hospitality industry. This was Season 2, Episode 3